Communication Design/ Liver
communication design// the wind howls through the room, whose shelves are empty but for three small cartons: photoshop, illustrator, indesign// vital organ// must have an eye for details// plan, analyze and create visual solutions to communication problems// detoxification// liver tissue is composed of thousands of lobules with a multitude of media// able to regenerate itself// punctation// divided into four lobes of unequal size and shape// image resembling icons// the most effective way to get messages across// falciform shape// performs many different tasks// content defines the shape//
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everybody is// communication design// masterstudio design// liver// everybody is// liver// communication design// everybody is a liver// everybody is// everybody is a communication designer// everybody is a part of it// masterstudio design//
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Communication design
Graphic design, scientific research, image influence, multitude of media, the meaning of images, Iconic Turn, develope research and methodology, further existing knowledge, drawing with analogue and digital, beyond the surface, image reseampling icons, baseline grid, most aphesia cases are caused by a stroke, assessing communication is related to getting to know the person´s barrieres in life, plan, analyze, and create visual solutions to communications problems, find the most effective way to get messages across, develop the overall layout and production design, environmental graphics, the message the design should portray, cognitive, cultural, physical, and social factors, They also must have an eye for details., The wind howls through the room, whose shelves are empty but for three small cartons: Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator., focus the radical plasticity of the computational medium on an examination of non-verbal communications protocols, assert flux and indefiniteness of identity as qualities that can be found in the world,
Vital, organ, largest glandular organ of the body, wide range of functions, detoxification, production of biochemicals, neccessary for digestion, survival, hormone reduction plasma protein synthesis, performs and regulates, falciform ligament, liverspot, my liver has packed and left the country, reddish brown in color, divided into four lobes of unequal size and shape, divided into four lobes of unequal size and shape, portal vein, blood vessels subdivide in the liver repeatedly, capillary leads to a lobule, Liver tissue is composed of thousands of lobules,